

发布时间: 2013-06-24 18:32 | 来源:快乐多资讯网 | 编辑:营养顾问 | 查看: 次 |


Prevention: protein + vitamin construction of immune defense systemSpring immunity on defense, construction of immune defense system. According to experts, in the premise of pay attention to balanced nutrition, adequate intake of protein and vitamin A can improve the immunity of the body. Protein is an important component of the human immune system, can effectively resist the invasion of bacteria and viruses, and vitamin A can protect the respiratory and digestive tract mucosa bacterial invasion, check mark.


In the choice of a protein supplement food, animal protein content in milk, yogurt, egg, fish in the relatively high, plant protein is usually in the beans and nuts content is relatively high. Vitamin A is the best choice of plant foods, such as orange, apple, grapes, kiwi and other fruits. At the same time, also can be added through the quality of dietary nutritional supplements, such as BY-HEALTH protein powder and vitamin series products.



The protein powder as an example, select New Zealand BY-HEALTH protein powder, whey protein and non-GM soy protein, a protein formula with abundant nutrition. Among them, the protein content as high as 80%, digestion rate was 96%, and the protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) was 1, more conducive to human digestion and absorption, so as to help people in the spring supplement protein, build a strong immune system.

Attack: a reasonable living habits increase resistanceWhen the protection has a strong immune system when, if the diet and exercise aspect, for the spring to human health, is the icing on the cake.

Second, pay attention to hygiene, beware infectious. Spring virus microbial breeding spread quickly, vulnerable to influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, fever, mumps and viral myocarditis and other diseases, so be sure to tell sanitation clothes, bask in the ground in addition to pests, the ventilation window, improve the defense ability, go to the public places less infectious disease epidemic, avoid infection.

Again, pay attention to clothes or. According to the characteristics of early spring weather day three, clothes do not reduce meal, early winter coat off, extremely easy cold lung injury, respiratory system diseases. Therefore, to increase or decrease with the temperature change clothes.

In addition, also can balance the edible mushrooms, onions, radish has antioxidant, sterilization, improve the immune cell activity in food, construction of spring active defense system.

